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Happy couple! |
We are incredibly grateful and honored to have been named the Grand Prize winners of the Green Wedding Giveaway 2011! What an incredible journey this has been. Before we move on to the actual wedding planning details, we first want to send a special thank you to everyone involved with the contest, first and foremost, Clay Hill Farm for hosting this amazing opportunity. Running through the list of prizes that we and our fellow finalists are receiving, we are amazed by how many members of the Southern Maine community have pitched in to make this contest as incredible and rewarding as it is. Thank you ALL so much for your generosity, and for making our wedding so special. We can't forget the judges! You donated so much of your time and energy reviewing all the contest submittal material, and we thank you for believing in our green message. Of course, thank you to everyone who went online to vote, and especially our friends and family who encouraged others to vote! Thank you to Pace Law School for allowing us to host our event on your campus. Last but certainly NOT least, thank you to our friends who helped us pull our give-back event together and act as creative resources throughout the process - you know who you are, we love you, and we can't thank you enough.
Jeff, Samantha, Luke, and Cassi: you did an AMAZING job in your campaigns, and we were so honored to be named among you as finalists. After working so hard for four weeks toward a common goal, watching and reading your blogs, we feel quite a bit of camaraderie with you all. Everyone took a unique approach, celebrating their specific shade of green, and the cumulative impact of all our efforts is certainly going to have a lasting impression - we should all be very proud of what we accomplished. Now we're super excited to follow everyone's wedding journeys over the next few months, and hope we can exchange ideas, too!
It's impossible for us to describe in words what this whole experience means to us... perhaps when we calm down a bit we'll be more articulate. The cliche "dream come true" doesn't do the feeling justice. We've met some inspiring people along the way, learned a lot about ourselves, our green ambitions, and how to work together as a couple, all thanks to the Green Wedding Giveaway. On top of all that, we've won our dream wedding!
We are heading back to NY in the morning, but cannot wait to return to Maine to continue this green wedding adventure. July 10th is going to be a beautiful day, we are so excited to share it with our friends and family.